
How to start? First steps.

Let's look at the most common questions about setting up and operating the application.

Adding an API key

Open the application settings. On the "Accounts" tab, click "Add an acount of logistics service"

In the window that opens, fill in the required information and click “add.”

How to obtain an API key

Nova Poshta

Go to your personal account on the website Generate a key in the Settings > Security section.

The API key is created for 1 year. After the API key expires, it should be renewed or recreated.


To obtain the API keys, you should to sign a contract, for this contact the nearest regional manager.

Meest Express

To obtain the API keys, you must sign a contract, for this contact the contact center.


Copy the cliend_id (aka API key) client_secret (aka API secret) from the Credentials section and add it to the Logistics sync app. To obtain the GKP Username/GKP Password, create an account with "system" rights in the DHL Business Customers Portal and add it to the Logistics sync app.

API key settings

Open the application settings. Click on the selected key. In the dialog that opens, specify the key settings. These settings will be used to create a Shipment when selecting a key in the form for creating a Shipment in a deal.

B2B and long contracts (several Shipments per deal)

You could create an unlimited number of Shipments for a deal, which is convenient for creating shipments through a branch network or if you have long contracts and need to add Shipments to them over time.

All Shipments are polled on Nova Poshta and on the “Shipments” tab you could see the current statuses, but only one Shipment designated as the “main” for a deal, that moves it throw the stages. The first Shipment in a deal is automatically assigned as the main one; if you need to select a Shipment for enable tracking in the deals, click on the Shipment and select “make primary” in the drop-down menu.

The ability to add multiple Shipments to a deal can be disabled in the Account settings - the “several Shipments in a deal” parameter.

We recommend dont enable this mode unless absolutely necessary, because... you may get confused which of the Shipment is “main” and your deal will not be switched as you expect, i.e. by another Shipment.

If there are several Accounts, how to choose a default Account

If you have several Accounts registered, this information will be useful to you:

Added the “default for Pipeline” parameter; the Account can be selected as the main one for a specific pipeline of deals, or for all pipelines by default. If the Account is selected as the main one, it is the one that is automatically selected when creating a Shipment with the corresponding sender settings.

Replacing the API key

If you need to replace the API key, this can be done in the Account settings. In this case, all settings are saved.

Need to:

1. Select the Account in which you want to make changes.

2. Save the new key in the API key field of the selected Account.

3. Save the Account settings.

4. Update the settings page so that new senders are loaded from the new account.

5. Open the Account settings, check that the senders are new - from a new account.

6. Save the settings again so that the default sender for creating a Shipment is updated.

If you do not do steps 4-6 when creating Shipment with a new Account, you will receive an error that the sender does not belong to this user (since the old senders from the previous Account will be used).

If the API key is from another account of Nova Poshta, then you will not be able to manage (delete, issue a return, print, and auto-return will not be issued with the error “this document does not belong to this user”) Shipment created with the previous Account. tracking statuses and moving deals through the pipeline of existing Shipments will be completed correctly.

To change not only the API key, but also the Operator in the Acoount, first select “Service” in the Account settings, then repeat steps 1-6

Payment for the Account

The Account payment process is as simple as possible. With a new Account, the first Account has a 14-day free testing period.

After the free period ends, the application will prompt you to make a payment. You can choose monthly payment and annual payment (annual payment is more profitable), but if you feel that you still need to get acquainted with the application, then you can pay for a month, and then when you understand that everything suits you - annual payment.

You can pay for the key either in the deal Create Shipment window (after the end of the free period) or in the Account settings on the application settings page, selecting the required Account, and then in its settings the “pay now” option.

Also, 3 days before the end of the Accounts, the application will show a reminder about the end of the Accounts and offer to make a payment.

When paying with a card, a regular payment is automatically activated, this is convenient because the application does not suddenly turn off and your business processes do not stop (in this sense, an annual subscription is better, because there is no need to ensure that the card with which the payment was made is active and on it was money), but if you are an integrator and decide to pay the client for the first month with your card, then the subscription (auto-renewal) should be disabled in the Account settings after payment.

If you have more than 3 Accounts, then, if there are 3 active Accounts, first 50 Accounts are renewed automatically for free. Every next 50 Accounts are paid additionally as 1 Account.

This is convenient if you have a large number of different Accounts of different operators.

Adding userfields

For the application to work, add at least the fields “Shipment ID” and “Shipment Status”.

When creating a Shipment, the ID of the created Shipment will be saved in the "Shipment ID" field. If there is no Shipment in the deal, then saving (or passing through the CRM API) the Shipment ID in the “Shipment ID” field will automatically enable tracking of this Shipment in ad deal.

In the "Shipment Status" field, the current Shipment status is saved along the entire Shipment life.

Please note that for 100% correct operation, it is advisable to create fields from the application, because they are created with the required data types and with the required list field values.

If you use already created fields and the data types do not match, there is a possibility that tracking will not work correctly and the application will not be able to save data to the deal.

If the recipient is an individual:

Last name, first name, middle name, recipient's phone number - from the contact fields in the deal.

Recipient-legal entity:

The name of the organization is from the company card in the deal.

EDRPOU code - EDRPOU from the details of the company in the transaction.

Contact persons - contact persons of the company in the deal.

Field 1. Shipment ID - if there is an active Account and the Shipment ID field is configured, then just add the Shipment ID to it and tracking will turn on automatically

Fields 2,3,4,5. Save the relevant data in the deal fields.

Field 6. Delivery address - an information field into which delivery data from the deal is transferred for the convenience of the manager who will enter the data into the Shipment.

Field 7. For some clients, the cash on delivery amount differs from the deal amount. For this purpose, a userfield has been added - Cash on delivery. If it is not set or not filled in in the deal, then by default the cash on delivery is set to the amount of the deal.

Return delivery is disabled automatically if the amount in this field is 0, also if the field is not configured and the order amount is 0.

Please note that it is advisable to use this field in conjunction with robots, which will update the amount in this field when the deal amount changes. What is it for? For example, a case, you created a Shipment, the cash on delivery amount was saved in this field, they called you back and asked you to add more goods to the order, you delete the Shipment, add goods to the deal, but because... in this field there is already a saved amount from the previous Shipment; in the new Shipment, the cash on delivery amount will remain the previous one, i.e. less than the new deal amount, because it will be loaded from the cash on delivery field, so if the deal amount changes, you need to robotically update the amount in this field.

Field 8. What to display in the “order number” section of the Shipment. There is an option for ID or deal name.

Field 9,10. City and department of the NovaPoshta:

City, Region and District are passed separated by commas in the Recipient's City field (maybe in parentheses, such as from Horoshop), in any order:

- for the area at the beginning or end of the line "region." or "area", in capital or small letters.

- for a district - “district” or “district” in capital or small letters.

- for the settlement "g", "smt", etc. - are ignored.

For example - smt. Borova, Fastivsky district, Kiev region.

The names of cities, regions and districts must begin with a capital letter.

The DEPARTMENT field can be transmitted either simply as a number or in full format (Department No. XXX, etc.), in which case the number after the symbol No. is exported as a department number and used to create a Shipment, the rest of the data is ignored.

Please note that there are two modes of operation - transmission by string CITY and DEPARTMENT, or selection from the directory. If, for example, you pass CITY as a string, and try to select a department from the directory, then the list of departments will be empty, because The city identifier necessary for searching for a department is transmitted when selecting it from the city directory, so CITY and DEPARTMENT should be transmitted either as a line from the deal, or selected from directories in the form of a Shipment.

If possible, preference should be given to the classic method of selecting a city and department number (selection from reference books in the form of a Shipment), or it would not be amiss to make sure, after creating a Shipment, that Nova Poshta has recognized the correct locality (there should be no abbreviations or errors in the name of the region, district and especially a populated area), because There are cases when, if there are two villages from different regions with the same names, Nova Poshta selects a settlement from another region, despite the fact that we correctly convey what you transmit to us as a region and district. Therefore, when transmitting CITY and DEPARTMENT by line, after creation, we remind you to check the created Shipment.

Also, if you transfer the DEPARTMENT identifier from other integrations or the site basket, it can also be transferred in the field - DEPARTMENT number, city may do not be transferred and the application itself uniquely recognizes both the city and the recipient's department. This scenario, for example, is used by integrations with marketplaces.

Please note, Nova Poshta and Ukrposhta can accept both text and identifiers.

Field 11,12,13. Street, house and apartment of the recipient for targeted delivery.

The CITY and STREET should be transmitted from a deal. Or choosed from the directory, otherwise you will make a mistake when creating the Shipment.

Field 14. PayerType.

To use it, create a userfield with "list" type for the deal and it has two values "Sender" and "Recipient".

Set up in the application.

Field 15. Payer Type for redelivery, list:



Field 16. Payment form, list:



Field 17. Service Type, list:





Field 18. Type of Redelivery, list:





Field 19. Shipment description


Field 20. Declared cost (insurance)


Field 21. In the Additional information field, it is possible to load data both from a userfield and a list of goods from a deal (the ability should be enabled in the Account settings - the “list of products in Shipment additional information” parameter), our clients very often use this, this data are displayed in the Shipment when printed. NovaPoshta sets a limit of no more than 100 characters, which for convenience is displayed when creating a Shipment. If correspondence with a userfield is configured and the “list of products in Shipment additional information” parameter is disabled, then the data in this Shipment field will be loaded from the userfield.

Field 22. Send SMS for this order?

Ability to disable SMS sending for a specific order. Yes/no type field (boolean). The default value is YES, so if it is not filled in or there is a checkmark (YES mode), then SMS will be sent for the order, if you click on this field and leave it without a checkmark - this is NO mode - it means that SMS for this order does not need to be sent .

Fields 23,24,25,26 - product properties: Weight, length, width and height.

Now the volume and weight of the Shipment are calculated automatically. All you have to do is fill in the dimensions and weight parameters of the product and, when creating the technical specification, select a template called “parameters from product properties”

Field 27. Full name of the Recipient - is divided into Last Name First Name Middle name and filled in in the appropriate fields of the Shipment form.

Field 28. Recipient's phone number. If you use SMS sending, enter your phone number in international format.

Field 29,30,31. General parameters of dimensions and weight of the parcel. They are imported from the deal and saved into the deal when creating a Shipment.

Field 32, 33. City and department of the sender - saved in the deal, cannot be transferred to the Shipment, because when creating a Shipment, Nova Poshta accepts only identifiers from directories that are available in the form when created and automatically filled out from the Account settings.

Field 34. Date of dispatch - can be transferred to the Shipment and saved back to the deal.

Field 35. All Shipments of the deal (works in conjunction with the “several Shipments per deal” mode). In this field, with the “Several Shipments in a deal” mode enabled, all Shipments added to the deal in the XY...YZ format are saved,

where X is the operator identifier (N - NovaPoshta, U - UkrPoshta, etc.), Y..Y - Shipment ID, Z - type of Shipment.

Field 36. EDRPOU of the recipient's company - used if you need to transfer EDRPOU not from the company details, but from a field in the deal.

Field 37. AUTO RETURN. If you have prepayment and cash on delivery is disabled, you can enter “0” (zero) in this field and AUTO RETURN for this Shipment will also be disabled and the parcel will remain at the post office until the recipient picks it up (note that paid storage may begin and the recipient should be notified about this).

Field 38. Ascent to a floor (format X - floor without an elevator, XL - floor with an elevator, where X is the floor number)

Field 39. Package number (Nova Poshta service)

All userfields that are used in the application are configured in the “settings of userfields” section on the “general settings” tab on the application settings page.

After setting up the fields for a product, do not forget to “display” them in the product, for a deal - in the deal.

If the userfield value is not specified, then the information is taken from the Account settings.

Please also note that for convenience, when creating a Shipment, the recipient type “Organization” is automatically selected if a company is attached to the deal, otherwise the recipient type is set to “Private Person” - if the “automatic selection” option for the recipient type is selected in the Account settings, if an organization or a private person is selected, they will be selected.

Setting up a pipeline to automatically move deals


The application has support for pipelines. You can configure the correspondence of logistics operator statuses independently for each pipeline and make Shipment tracking in each of them.

First, you need to add the necessary pipelines, decide on stage models and set up sales pipelines. This can be done in the Settings->Settings->Pipelines section.

After setting up pipelines, you need to go to general settings tab of the application settings, add the necessary pipelines and configure the correspondence of the statuses of logistics operators.

Now you can safely create deals in the right pipelines, and they will move through the stages. And if you attach robots to stages, then, depending on the desired event, you will send SMS to clients or assign tasks to responsible managers.

Volumetric funnels, what is it?

According to your business processes, you can use pipelines to easily segment processes. Now, having created the appropriate stages in the needed pipelines, the Shipment will move along with the deal in accordance with these stages, i.e. You can create a Shipment in the original pipeline, spread deals across different pipelines, and continue tracking in new ones.

Setting up and updating deal stages

Application could work with various pipelines of the deals. Logistics operator statuses can be configured separately for each pipelines.

First you need to decide on the pipeline, i.e. what key control points do you need in the order process done, which robots are you used, who assign tasks to managers, send information to customers, etc.

For example, stages in CRM could be:

Stage 1. New deal

Stage 2. Agreement

Stage 3. Receiving payment

Stage 4. Sending the goods (sending an SMS with the Shipment ID)

Stage 4.4 Goods in transit

Stage 5. Goods Arrived (notifying the buyer of the need to pick up the goods)

Stage 6. 3 days at the post office!

Stage 7. Order completed - thank you SMS (goods received without cash on delivery or with payment control service - transfer of cash on delivery to the account)

Stage 7.1 Order completed - thank you SMS, Money sent (goods received and paid for by cash on delivery, cash on delivery sent in cash to the sender's department)

Stage 7.2 Money received (cash on delivery received by the sender of money at the branch)

Stage 8. Refusal to receive.

Stage 9. Return issued

Stage 10: Return has arrived and needs to be picked up.

Stage 11. Return taken

After defining the stages of the pipeline, you need to go to the settings of the application and configure the corresponding statuses of Logistics Operators for the prepared stages of the pipeline (described above).

As a rule, the following correspondence of the stages and Nova Poshta (NP) statuses are used.

Stage 4.4 - NP status 5,6,104 (on the way)

Stage 5 - NP status 7 and 8 (delivery to the department), 101 (addressed delivery)

Stage 6 - status NP 6663 (3 days at the post office)

Stage 7 - NP status 9.106. (the final stage is success, status 9 used for the received Shipments with payment control service or without cash on delivery)

Stage 7.1 - NP status 10 (status 10 is used for the Shipment with cash on delivery - the Shipment has been received, the cash on delivery has been sent)

Stage 7.2 - NP status 11 (final stage - success, cash on delivery recived by the sender of the Shipment).

Stage 8 - NP status 102, 103, 108

In case of refusal  registration of the return occurs automatically according to the auto-return conditions configured in the Account settings. In the Account settings, you could enable the options “Auto-return if refuse to receive” and auto-return.

Stage 9 - status of NP 7777 (return issued)

Stage 10 - NP status 8888 (return arrived)

Stage 11 - NP status 9999 (final stage - failure, return taken)

You could always customize the pipeline according to your needs and business processes.

Reglament of the deals updating is 1 time per hour 24/7.

Userfields Shipments ID, status, date and cost are updated at the Shipment creation and when the status is updated, but not more than once per hour.

Make sure you have userfields configured.

UPD should ensure that you have all final stages assigned, because... if the Shipment has moved to one of the unassigned stages, the deal will take place at the previous stage

UPD2, if the stage was not assigned or was changed after changing the Shipment status, the next stage change will be when the Shipment moves along the pipeline at Nova Poshta. Accordingly, if your Shipment has reached the final status and the corresponding stage has not been assigned at the moment, or it was changed after the status was changed, then the deal goes to this stage, which was configured (or not configured) at the time the statis was changed on Nova Poshta .

UPD3 please note that tracking (switching deal stages) is performed only in open deals, closed deals are not tracked.

UPD4, if for some reason it is necessary to disable tracking in a specific deal according your business scenarios, go to the “Disable tracking” field and set it to the specified value by CRM automation.

How to account for cash on delivery and prepayment in th deals

As a rule, our users make the following settings:

1. Set up a userfield “cash on delivery”, into which the robot transfers the order amount, or “0” (zero) if there prepayment and you need to disable cash on delivery.

2. Set the status 9 - the Shipment has been received and 10 - the Shipment has been received and there is a cash on delivery to the one stage, for example, “the goods have been taken away”.

3. When moving to this stage, they check with a robot, if the cash on delivery field is “0” (zero), then the deal is sent to “successful”, if not “0” (zero), then it will go further to stage 11 - the goods were taken and the money was received, which you will set as "successful".

4. In practice, even with cash on delivery, Shipments sometimes end up not in the 10th, but in the 9th status and do not switch further to the 11th; in your case, they will remain in the “the Shipment has been received” stage and the manager will need to pay attention to them.

If the necessary stages are configured, but the deal does not move

There are situations when applications receive an access error - Access Denied, Wrong authorization data, Unable to authorize user, The user does not have access to the application, 401-Unauthorized from your CRM.

Very often, such errors occur if you installed/configured the application not yourself, but with the help of other people, or the rights of these users are not enough to update all deals. The application remembers the access rights of their account and, after deleting it from the portal, accordingly receives an access error. Therefore, after setup, it is recommended to open the application with your permanent (which you do not intend to delete) account with administrator rights and set its rights for the application to work.

Also, due to the fact that users are paid separately, a Payment required error may occur, so it’s important! give the application the rights of the user who will have maximum access to deals for updating and also who will be active (constantly paid in the crm), because if the user is not paid, when trying to access the API, it will return an error - Payment required and the deal will not be updated. Therefore, it is recommended to open the application with your permanent (which you do not intend to delete) account with administrator rights and which is active (paid in the CRM) and set its rights for the application to work.

for this:

4. in the window that opens, click “set rights” and thus the rights of the current user will be assigned to the application to work in the background to correctly move deals through stages to avoid access errors - Access Denied, Wrong authorization data, Unable to authorize user, and Payment required by CRM.

If you change the pipeline (remove or add stages)

IMPORTANT, when making changes to the pipeline (changing, deleting stages), update the status settings in the application settings.

To do this, go to the settings page of the Logistics sync application. On the general settings tab - select settings for the desired pipeline, view which stages are assigned, make sure that all stages have a stage assigned (there should be no empty values) or select "skip", make the necessary changes and save.

If Logistics sync does not know that you have deleted a stage, then when it try stage of the deal to a non-existent stage, the deal will not move through the funnel.

If you add a Shipment for tracking to the application through the Shipment ID field, also check whether your Accounts have been paid in the application. If payment for the Account is overdue, tracking will not work. After paying for the Account, select deals in which tracking did not work, move them to any stage, the application will receive a deal change event, import the Shipment from the Shipment ID field and post the deals according to the status settings in the application.

🔥 Recommendation. 🔥

Shipment polling on operator servers occurs once an hour.

If the status change falls within the same interval (between polls), then the application will receive a new status, bypassing the previous one.

Status 9 - package received and 10 - cash on delivery sent to the recipient - these are two statuses, the probability of switching both within 1 hour is very high.

Please take this into account when setting up the stages of receiving a Shipment; if you use the extreme status for tracking - 9 parcel received, there is a high probability that some deals will remain in the “arrived at the department” stage, because within an hour the parcel will switch to status 10 and the application it simply won’t know about status 9, so set status 10 to the “package received” stage as well.

In the case of payment control (legal entity), the extreme status for successful shipments is 9 and in any case the deal will move to “package received”.

Happy trecking!

Integration with SMS provider TurboSMS

Now you can send SMS messages with information about the progress of goods delivery from the Logistics sync application without setting up additional robots.

How it works?

Stage 1 - setting up

1. You need to register an account.

2. In your turboSMS personal account, submit for registration an alpha name, on behalf of which SMS will be sent by your company in the “Signatures” section. While the alpha name is undergoing the validation process, your SMS will be sent using the standard name. It is necessary to submit an alpha name for registration; without it, the service of sending SMS through the gateway will not work. If all formal procedures have been completed, registration will take 1-2 weeks.

3. In the SMS gateway->connection to the turboSMS account gateway section, select:

Connection method: SOAP

Supported message creation channels: SOAP

set the login and password for the SMS gateway.

Stage 2 - setting up SMS in Logistics sync

1. In the general settings tab -> setting up integration with turboSMS, enter the data from Stage 1 - login, password, alpha name. Check if SMS is being sent (check TurboSMS integration settings). Select "enable" for the desired Logistics sync Accounts and save the settings. Please note that for each Logistics sync Account you could bind a separate alpha name.

2. In the section for setting up statuses for a pipeline, opposite the desired status, add an SMS template. If the template is not added, then no SMS will be sent at this stage. In the template you can use the variables Shipment ID, date and time of delivery. Be sure to click “save statuses and changes to SMS templates” after adding templates in the selected direction.

3. To successfully send an SMS, the recipient's phone number should be in the international format +380xx... If the Shipment is added manually and an SMS notification is also needed, before adding the Shipment ID in the recipient's phone number field add the number (or leave the one you entered from the deal).

4. Create a test order with your phone number and make sure that when moving to a new stage, an SMS is sent according to the configured template.

UPD The principle of allowed time for sending SMS has been introduced. The sending window is automatic from 8 am to 8 pm, but you can narrow it by setting the required sending range in the application settings in the turboSMS integration section.

UPD2 Added the ability to disable SMS sending for a specific deal.

To do this, set up the custom field "Send SMS for this order?" and display the configured field in the deal.

Yes/no type field (boolean)

The default value is NO, so SMS will not be sent for the order, if you click on this field and check the box - this is YES mode - it means that SMS for this order needs to be sent.

If by default deals need to send SMS and the "Send SMS for this order?" field is configured. in the settings of this field in the Setup->Customization->Modules and Fields->Deals section, set the default value to “Active by default”.

Start to work. Creation of Shipments. Adding already created Shipments for tracking

Creating Shipment manually

In this mode, just open the "Create Shipment" form in the deal and fill in the required fields. Click "Create Shipment". If the data is filled out correctly, the Shipment ID will appear in the Shipment form.

If userfields are configured and the data in them is prepared manually by the manager or transferred through the API of your CRM, then when you open the “Create Shipment” form, the transferred data will fill in the fields of the Shipment creation form.

If the data is not complete or correct, the application will return an error, which is returned to it by the logistics operator. You should correct the error and click “Create Shipment” again.

Creation of Shipment automatically

The application can create a Shipment automatically from data prepared in advance. Either from previously saved data in a draft (the “save draft” button in the Shipment creation form) or prepared data in deal userfields.

In order for the application to automatically create a Shipment, you need to move the deal by robot or manually to a pre-configured stage.

Adding already created Shipments for tracking

In the application, it is possible to add Shipments for tracking created in other services.

This can be done manually in the deal in "Create Shipment", for this you need:

After the Shipment is added, the deal will also move according to the configured statuses in the application.

Please note that in order for the Shipment to be added for tracking, the API key of the corresponding operator should be be active (paid in the application). If the API key was not active, then after paying for it in the application, you need to move deals in which tracking was not turned on at any stage, after which the deal will be polled, the Shipment will be added and the deals will be moved according to the current status configured in the application.

If you use an application for tracking Shipments, which are added automatically, we recommend that you also configure the “Shipment Status” field, in which, regardless of the configured statuses in the application, the current current Shipment status will be saved.


By default, insurance = cash on delivery amount. If cash on delivery is not specified and insurance is not explicitly specified, then it is set at the minimum amount that is not subject to commission from Nova Poshta - 200 UAH.

If you need to transfer an arbitrary amount, configure the “declared cost” field

To configure the field, open the application settings -> General settings -> settings of userfields.

Cash on delivery, payment control (transfer to a legal entity’s account), transfer to VISA/MASTERCARD

IMPORTANT! For those who use payment control, please note!

Due to the fact that there is confusion with cash on delivery and payment control, now everything is tied to the return delivery parameter. If it is enabled in the Shipments parameters during creation, then there will be cash on delivery or non-cash payment (if payment control is enabled); if return delivery is disabled, then there will be no cash or non-cash return delivery. Please take this into account when creating the Shipment.

For those who do not use payment control:

payment control is a service of Nova Poshta for transferring cash on delivery by bank transfer to the current account of a legal entity. To use this service you need:

1. Conclude an Agreement with Nova Poshta on behalf of the legal entity.

2. Agreement with Novapa.

3. With the help of the Nova Poshta manager who is assigned to you, activate the “payment control” service on the part of Nova Poshta.

4. Enable payment control in the Account settings in the application.

5. Save Account settings.

6. Using this Account, create a Shipment with return delivery “money transfer” and make sure that after creating the Shipment there is a mark on the printout with the “payment control” service - this means that the service has been successfully activated.

7. If there is no mark, then repeat steps 4-6.

8. If, during the creation of a Shipment with the “payment control” service enabled, Novaya Poshta returns an error - “the payment control service is not available.” Contact your manager at NP and check whether the “payment control” service is enabled for the selected Account (NP account) on the part of Nova Poshta.

For additional information about contracts with Nova Poshta and Novapay, please contact the Nova Poshta hotline.

Transfer of cash on delivery for individuals to a VISA or MASTERCARD card works ONLY through the account or Nova Poshta application, because payment systems have their own requirements for transactions and Nova Poshta does not provide this service via API.

Automatic deactivation of cash on delivery

If the userfield "cash on delivery" is set, then the cash on delivery amount is taken from it. If the field is not set or not filled in, then the cash on delivery amount is taken from the deal amount.

If in both cases 1 and 2 the amount = 0, return delivery is disabled by default.


Automatic return mode of the Shipment:

Auto return from 5 to 14 days of storage. It is configured in the Account for all shipments. It can also be changed or disabled, if necessary, for a specific Shipment in the deal Create Shipment->Shipments-> click on Shipment and change the auto-return parameters.

Taking into account the fact that there is a human factor and in practice, even after refusal and your conversation with the client, he changed his mind about refusing and still decided to pick up the Shipment - automatic return of Shipment at the time of refusal is disabled and until the end of the return period specified by you, the Shipment will remain in the department and it can be picked up again. If you need to return the package before the autoreturn date, you can issue a return manually. (see below).

Auto-return mode can be enabled in the Account settings. You can also activate reuturn upon refusal to recieve.

From 03/12/2020, to simplify accounting at Nova Poshta, all calendar days (including weekends and holidays) are counted for storage. Also, the number of free storage days has been increased to 7 for all Nova Poshta clients. According to these changes, when calculating the “AUTO RETURN” and “THIRD DAY OF STORAGE” parameters in the application, all calendar days are taken into account, i.e. if you have set up AUTO RETURN after 7 DAYS, this means that the Shipment will be at the department for 7 DAYS, taking into account the day of arrival, and after 16:00 on the seventh calendar day the Shipment will be returned automatically.

In the application, storage days are counted from the day of arrival at the department.

Auto returns are issued after 16:00. Why 16:00? In order not to be charged for an additional day of storage, it is necessary to issue a return before the same-day dispatch time of the department, which may be different in different departments, but in general, in large and medium-sized cities it is before 17:00-18:00

Status - 3rd day of storage will work on the third day of storage.

If a client calls you and asks you to delay the Shipment (does not have time to pick it up), then auto-return can always be disabled for a specific Shipment. To do this, you need to go to Create Shipment->Shipments in the deal, click on the required Shipment and select auto-return->disabled, or increase the number of days until auto-return.

Manual return mode of the Shipment:

To return a Shipment manually, go to Create Shipment->Shipments in the deal, click on the required Shipment and select Return Now. If the Shipment was issued in the application, then the application will try to issue a return and will notify Novaya Poshta’s response.

If you change your mind about returning the Shipment and the NovaPoshta does not prohibit canceling the return, select “Cancel return” in the same menu and the created return request will be cancelled.

If Nova Poshta has already sent the Shipment to the distribution warehouse for return and prohibits cancellation when performing this procedure, the application will notify you about this.

Please note that if the Shipment was not created in the application or from a different Nova Poshta account than the one registered in the application, or the Account with which the Shipment was created was deleted from the application settings, then when you try to issue a return, the application will receive a response from Nova Poshta - “The document does not belong to this customer” and a return will not be issued.

If you have changed the auto-return settings in the Account by the default, this affects newly created Shipments. In Shipments that have already been created, the auto return is the one that was used when creating the Shipments. It can be changed either in the Shipment form (see above) or through the “Auto return” deal field (should be configured first). In the "auto-return" deal field, you should enter the number of days of storage before processing the return, "0" (zero) - auto-return is disabled.

Also note that Nova Poshta allows you to return Shipments worth less than UAH 14,999 via API. When registering a return for a Shipment of greater value, Nova Poshta will issue an error - The delivery varity exceeds 14,999 UAH. Returns are possible only by sender at the department. And no refund will be issued.

Automatic returns for legal entities with a branch structure.

By default, returns are issued to the departments from which the Shipment was actually sent, and not to the departments that were specified when creating the Shipment.

If you are a legal entity, you have an agreement with the NovaPoshta and your shipments are made from different cities, and returns are needed to 1 specific address, then you need to contact your personal manager at the NovaPoshta and activate this service.

Please note, since the application has its own built-in auto-return mechanism. If you use the auto-return mechanism through Nova Poshta, and not through the application, then auto-return should be disabled in the application

Important point. Shipments are returned using the Nova Poshta account key to which they are linked. If you change the API key in the settings, then you need to manually control the return of already created Shipments.

When returning, the result of the return is recorded in the deal in the form of a note. There is also a userfield “return result”, in which either the return identifier is written if the return is processed successfully, or an error if it is not successful. Using this field you can automate the “control” of returns.

Redirects and redirects tracking

Added the ability to create Shipments redirects.

To do this, go to Create Shipment in the desired deal. Open the Shipments list and, by clicking on the desired Shipment, select - Make Redirection.

If you change your mind about forwarding the Shipment and the NovaPoshta does not prohibit canceling the forwarding, select “Cancel redirect” in the same menu and the created redirect will be cancelled.

If Nova Poshta has already redirect the Shipment and prohibits cancellation when performing this procedure, the application will notify you about this.

When redirect, a new Shipment is added to the deal and the deal tracking is switched to it. The number of redirects is unlimited - the entire Shipment history is saved.

Shipment Printing

We launched a Shipment printing service without reference to API keys.

A userfield "External link for shipment sticker printing" has been added; a link that is not linked to the API key of your Nova Poshta, UkrPoshta or Justin account is saved in it.

The link can be transferred to third party contractors with whom you interact. When you access the printing service, a pdf sticker of this Shipment will open.

Please note that links for external printing are generated only for Shipments created in the application.

The printing service uses the Account with which the Shpment was created, and if you replace it, the link will no longer be relevant; by re-creating the Shipment, you could get a new link.

If the link is not current, the API key of your account in the application is invalid or expired at the time of printing, or the Shipment is more than 30 days old, then when you try to use such a link, the service will display a message - “The link is not current or printing is not available.”

If the link is current and printing is available, a pdf will open in response to the request.

The printable link looks like this:



At the end of the link, “s” is a sign for printing a sticker.

If you need A4, “s” needs to be replaced with “a”:

You can also print the Shipment from the deal

Group printing of Shipments is available on the registers page. See Working with Registers.

Working with Registries

You can now create registries from within the application. View the list of Shipments with selection by Account and creation date.

Registries open in the Shipment Registry menu.

Please note that Shipments can be added to the registry by those created in the application. Nova Poshta also adds Shipments created no later than yesterday.

In the Shipments list you could see the link to deals and, if necessary, open the required deal. Also print registers or Shipments, or delete. A4 formats and zebra printer sizes 85x85 and 100x100 are available for printing.

The list of Shipments can be filtered (in the menu - filter) by stage, recipient number, registry number (if you enter a space instead of the registry number, it will show all Shipments for selected dates without a registry), print, delete, add/remove to/from the registry, export to CSV.